A brand new talent show in the style of Britain’s Got Talent is coming to Worthing soon! Talent Within You have launched Worthing Idol 2010 which takes place on August Bank Holiday, 30th August 2010 in South Street, Worthing (just down the steps from the Guildbourne Centre).
The judges are three well-known local Wor-lebrities: No Simon Cowell to be seen anywhere!
- Our very own Andrew Sparsis, Proto Restaurant Group
- Tim Loughton MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families
- Amelia Regnante, Regnante School of Performing Arts
Talent Within You helps children and young adults to develop their talent and to take it to the next level by raising funds from local businesses. You may remember Jack Ford, Olympic hopeful who with the help of Talent Within You, danced with Todd Carty on Worthing’s annual ice rink in January. Worthing Town Centre Initiative have kindly funded Worthing Idol 2010 which takes place from 12pm to 3pm, with prize-giving from 3.30pm.
This talent competition is open to anybody up to the age of 18. Talents can range from singing, dancing, magic, comedy. Anything that will entertain the audience! All contestants will receive a Worthing Idol 2010 medal, and the main winner will receive £250 towards taking their talent to the next level. Terms and conditions do apply to the prize money.
Contestants need to book soon as there limited places available. The stage is covered in case of bad weather, and will be 12’ x 16’, so small groups are allowed. The next auditions are on 14th August 2010 in Haverfield House, Union Place, Worthing. You need to download an application form from www.talentwithinyou.org.uk, complete the form and post back to us at 23 Harrow Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 4RB.
Naturally, our restaurants will be open on the day of Worthing Idol 2010. Call 01903 227780 to book a table in Food, and to book in The Fish Factory, call 01903 207123 for Worthing, and 01903 715100 for Littlehampton. Proto Restaurant Group: Fine dining restaurants in Worthing and Littlehampton, West Sussex.